Please Celebrate with us as Mythri success in getting 1570 in her SAT.
FREE EVENT FOR PARENTS Dear parents, please join us....... to be announced. MST (1 p.m. CST, 2 p.m. EST), via zoom to know more about the American school system; Grades (GPA); What is NMSQT; How to prepare for SAT/PSAT. Thank you. Mr. Rama, Certified Teacher. Ph: 6236888432 Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 873 0300 0194 Passcode: ramamath Add the Event to Calendar: |
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We emphasize Algebra 1, Algebra 2, Geo, and basic trigonometry concepts; Reading/Writing, and Essay with tips and tricks to answer questions quickly and accurately.
Do you know why kids struggle in PSAT with time and speed?
As a parent Can I give guidance to my son or daughter about PSAT?
Don't wait until Junior year, start preparing from as early as 7th grade.
The better you score, the more options and pay less to the college.
In sessions, we focus on concept building and tricks that will help students to build confidence and help enhance their academic learning at school and at the same time ready for SAT/ACT. It is ideal for students who are in 8th,9th,10th, and 11th.
Two hrs. sessions.
Call Now to get a 20% off the first month.
register to reserve your spot...
We emphasize Algebra 1, Algebra 2, Geo, and basic trigonometry concepts; Reading/Writing, and Essay with tips and tricks to answer questions quickly and accurately.
Do you know why kids struggle in PSAT with time and speed?
As a parent Can I give guidance to my son or daughter about PSAT?
Don't wait until Junior year, start preparing from as early as 7th grade.
The better you score, the more options and pay less to the college.
In sessions, we focus on concept building and tricks that will help students to build confidence and help enhance their academic learning at school and at the same time ready for SAT/ACT. It is ideal for students who are in 8th,9th,10th, and 11th.
Two hrs. sessions.
Call Now to get a 20% off the first month.

“Rama is a great teacher…. In just a few weeks, I learned techniques that I used in ACT and I have improved my ACT score in a big time. I highly recommend Rama since he is very knowledgeable .”
---- Rene Grange, 11th grade, St.Gregory school; 2018
---- Rene Grange, 11th grade, St.Gregory school; 2018
Celebrate with us!!! One of our student got 1540 on his SAT and 800/800 (perfect score) on his Math

“My name is Megha, I am a Junior and taking my SAT, I have been taking practice tests, never able to finish the test ON time. After going to RamaMath, I learned may Tips, quick ways of solving problems, test after test I have been improving my score and recently I got perfect score on my practice Test. I strongly recommend to reach them.
---- Megha Sharma, 11th grade, Detroit, MI; 2020
---- Megha Sharma, 11th grade, Detroit, MI; 2020
*Based on student composite scores before and after going to our online traning sessions.
How to Register for the SAT:
1) SAT Registration guide (click here)
2) Mail-in SAT registration forms are available in the guidance office.
Are you Eligible for a SAT Fee Waiver:
You're eligible for fee waivers if you say "yes" to any of the following:
You're enrolled in or eligible to participate in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP).
Your annual family income falls within the Income Eligibility Guidelines set by the USDA Food and Nutrition Service.
You're enrolled in a federal, state, or local program that aids students from low-income families (e.g., Federal TRIO programs such as Upward Bound).
Your family receives public assistance.
You live in federally subsidized public housing or a foster home, or are homeless.
You are a ward of the state or an orphan.
If you think you're eligible for a fee waiver, your school counselor will help you get a fee waiver.
From your school:
SAT website:
Your School Code: ---------
SAT Test Fee: $55.00 / Additional Information on fees here
Click here to read an informational sheet about the SAT.
*Late Registrations incur an additional fee of $30
Test dates / locations / deadlines: click here
Please be aware that Collegeboard has recently made changes to their test security policies.
Click here to view SAT Test Day Tips and Policies.
When: Wednesday, October 13, 2021 -- Check College board site for the next test
Time: Beginning at 8:00 am (Students will take during the school day)
Who: 10th and 11th grade students
*All 11th grade students are automatically registered to take the PSAT. The PSAT will be given free of charge to all 11th grade students.
*Any 10th grade student electing to taking the PSAT can register with your school.
The fee is $20.00 and must be paid on or before the day of the test. Checks should be made payable to Blackhawk High School. The deadline to register is Friday, October 1, 2021.
What is the PSAT and why is it important?
The PSAT is a nationwide, multiple-choice test taken by about 3.4 million high school students every year–mostly sophomores and juniors. A great primer for the SAT® and even the ACT®, the PSAT includes math, critical reading and writing questions.
The PSAT doesn't count towards your college admissions; however, for students in 11th grade, it is the qualifying test for National Merit Scholarships. That means the highest scoring students may earn scholarship money.
When: Wednesday, October 13, 2021 -- Check College board site for the next test
Time: Beginning at 8:00 am (Students will take during the school day)
Who: 10th and 11th grade students
*All 11th grade students are automatically registered to take the PSAT. The PSAT will be given free of charge to all 11th grade students.
*Any 10th grade student electing to taking the PSAT can register with your school.
The fee is $20.00 and must be paid on or before the day of the test. Checks should be made payable to Blackhawk High School. The deadline to register is Friday, October 1, 2021.
What is the PSAT and why is it important?
The PSAT is a nationwide, multiple-choice test taken by about 3.4 million high school students every year–mostly sophomores and juniors. A great primer for the SAT® and even the ACT®, the PSAT includes math, critical reading and writing questions.
The PSAT doesn't count towards your college admissions; however, for students in 11th grade, it is the qualifying test for National Merit Scholarships. That means the highest scoring students may earn scholarship money.
ACT Website:
ACT Test Fees
1) Online at
You cannot request a fee waiver directly from ACT; you must contact your high school counselor.
ACT Website:
ACT Test Fees
- ACT with writing: $85.00
- ACT without writing: $60.00
- ACT late registration fee: $36.00
1) Online at
You cannot request a fee waiver directly from ACT; you must contact your high school counselor.
Click here to view the AP Exam Schedule for the 2021-2022 school year.
Click here for FAQ regarding AP.
Click here to find colleges and universities with AP credit policy information.
Click here to view the AP Exam Schedule for the 2021-2022 school year.
Click here for FAQ regarding AP.
Click here to find colleges and universities with AP credit policy information.